Arnold K H Tan's answer to Stressful's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan's answer
2165 answers (A Helpful Person)
Interesting question. Used the wrong approach the first attempt. Its not so complicated for the O-levels. AHS is most likely Anglican High School - likely set tougher questions.
4 years ago
Ok, now I understand. Thanks for the clarification
Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan
4 years ago
No worries. All the best for next weeks O-level papers!
4 years ago
Thank u so much!
4 years ago
By the way, Mr Arnold Tan, what will happen to the curve/graph if IQR becomes larger than the original one
4 years ago
Hi Mr Arnold Tan, can u help to answer these 2 questions: (a) if new median is less than the old one, how will the shape of the graph change n (b) if IQR becomes larger than the old one, what will happen to the shape of the graph. Thanks!
Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan
4 years ago
For a cumulative frequency curve, decreasing the median shifts the graph towards the left. Easiest to relate to class marks. Lower ability classes which say, score a median mark of 40 out of 100, will be to the left of a class with a median mark of 50/100. However, it does not mean the graphs will not intersect, as also depends on the lowest and highest scores, Q1 and Q3 values for each graph.
4 years ago
I understand now. Thank you very much for your great help!