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The given answer is 4x squared -16x + 17 which is different from yours
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Interesting question. Used the wrong approach the first attempt. Its not so complicated for the O-levels. AHS is most likely Anglican High School - likely set tougher questions.
Date Posted:
4 years ago
Ok, now I understand. Thanks for the clarification
No worries. All the best for next weeks O-level papers!
Thank u so much!
By the way, Mr Arnold Tan, what will happen to the curve/graph if IQR becomes larger than the original one
Hi Mr Arnold Tan, can u help to answer these 2 questions: (a) if new median is less than the old one, how will the shape of the graph change n (b) if IQR becomes larger than the old one, what will happen to the shape of the graph. Thanks!
For a cumulative frequency curve, decreasing the median shifts the graph towards the left. Easiest to relate to class marks. Lower ability classes which say, score a median mark of 40 out of 100, will be to the left of a class with a median mark of 50/100. However, it does not mean the graphs will not intersect, as also depends on the lowest and highest scores, Q1 and Q3 values for each graph.
I understand now. Thank you very much for your great help!
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As shown, brand X has a smaller median compared to brand Y. If the interquartile range for brand x increases, the new graph is illustrated. More important that you understand that the interquartile range represents consistency of data. Similar to the standard deviation too. The smaller the value of interquartile range or standard deviation, the more consistent the result. Eg. You'll prefer to call a delivery service with the lowest median delivery time and smallest IQR or smallest standard deviation.
Date Posted:
4 years ago