Kamal Shah's answer to Prateek's Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Kamal Shah
Kamal Shah's answer
76 answers (A Helpful Person)
Use the general formula. Becareful of the negative values, easily make careless mistake.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
I am surprised that Sec 1 students are taught to use the quadratic formula or completing the square.
4 years ago
It's likely to be either a wrongly labelled question or the student is in an IP school. They tend to teach such concepts very early.
4 years ago
Btw Kamal, it's clear that the question asked for the method of completing the square, so providing the quadratic formula as your suggested answer isn't quite relevant, though good effort
Kamal Shah
Kamal Shah
4 years ago
Im sorry J.