Edwin David Goh's answer to Cindy's Primary 5 Maths Singapore question.

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Edwin David Goh
Edwin David Goh's answer
16 answers (Tutor Details)
This is tough! LOL
6 years ago
Thank you. But I dont understand why 11 sets of ~20 = 7 sets of ~~~.
Edwin David Goh
Edwin David Goh
6 years ago
Common multiple.

11C = 3u .... x 7
7C = 1u + 20 x 11

77C = 21u
77C = 11u + 220

Hence we can say 21u = 11u + 220, 10U = 220, u = 22
6 years ago
Sorry, i still don't understanding, any other way to explain this question? Thank you.