Eric Nicholas K's answer to 111's Junior College 1 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
This is for part i which is needed for part ii; I will write workings for part ii later
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Alternatively, we can "work backwards" for p and q

x² + px - q = 0 (because y can only equal zero when the numerator is zero but the denominator is non-zero)

From the roots at x = -2 and x = 1,

(x + 2) (x - 1) = 0
x² - x + 2x - 2 = 0
x² + x - 2 = 0

p = 1, q = 2

(note that q = 2 and not q = -2)