Ahmad Zafran's answer to Apple's Primary 6 Maths Measurement Singapore question.

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Ahmad Zafran
Ahmad Zafran's answer
19 answers (Tutor Details)
3 years ago
it's like you said though. anything equal or higher than 0.5 is rounded up but in the answer, you rounded down the 11.5
Ahmad Zafran
Ahmad Zafran
3 years ago
Let simplify nearest whole number >=0.5 round up,
Less than or equal to 0.5 round down.

I round 11.5 to 11 as i can round up the other part no in the question.

Try to analyse a few qs there than can get the hang of it.
3 years ago
Oh okay, so it's like rounding down one nunber to cancel out another rounded up number so it's closest to the exact value?
Ahmad Zafran
Ahmad Zafran
3 years ago
Yes, that is my perpestive.

However as a student back than if received that qs for hmk i will clarify with the teacher.

If the teacher insist that answer is 94

I will take

Decimal O.5 to round down since the remaining no in question the decimal is > 0.5