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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

need help with these qns, pls explain too

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 206

See 2 Answers

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Abiraami's answer
109 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope it helps. Do clarify if uncertain about anything.
3 years ago
for qn21, anything that mentions "reactive" it will be increase/decrease down the group according to periodic table no matter what? this qn mentioned water hence i was confused...
3 years ago
for qn10, i still dont really understand B... i also dont understand option A although i cancelled it
3 years ago
Grp 7 halogens can undergo displacement reaction. Reactivity decreases down the group. So the more reactive halogen can displace the less reactive halide. E.g if you add Fl (element,halogen) to lets say HCl (Cl- ion, halide), because Fl is more reactive, Cl will be displaced. So thats why bromine, more reactive halogen can displace astatine from its halide. That is why A is correct. As for B, Nitric acid (even concentrated) is essentially an aqeuous solution. Effectively, silver halides will not dissolve in water. This is just something that needa remember. (silver and lead chlorides,iodides are insoluble, applicable for the whole grp 7). If anything else need to be clarified do ask :))
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Abiraami's answer
109 answers (A Helpful Person)
21) Reactivity of grp 1 metals always increase no matter what