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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

need help with this question. topic is trigonometric equations and identities

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 321
3 years ago
cosec x = -k
1/sinx = -k
k = -1/sinx


-1 ≤ sinx ≤ 1 for all real values of x, as we always know.

Multiply by -1 and flip signs,

1 ≥ -sinx ≥ -1 → -1 ≤ -sinx ≤ 1

Now consider the inqualities separately.

-sinx ≥ -1 , -sinx ≤ 1

Take the reciprocal and flip the signs,

1/-sinx ≤ 1/-1 , 1/-sinx ≥ 1/1

- 1/sinx ≤ -1 , - 1/sinx ≥ 1

(When we take the reciprocal, the sign is flipped because the roles will change.

For example,

2 < 5 but ½ > 1/5

-½ < -⅓ but -2 > -3 )

Therefore, - 1/sinx ≤ -1 or - 1/sinx ≥ 1 and since k = - 1/sinx,

k ≤ -1 or k ≥ 1

So any value of k should be < 1 or > -1 such that -1 ≤ sinx ≤ 1 is not satisfied, giving no solution.

i.e -1 < k < 1


k cannot be 0 since that would imply that -1/sinx = 0, which is not possible since we have a non-zero numerator , which means the fraction cannot be 0.

So -1 < k < 0 and 0 < k < 1

As long as you pick any value of k from this range, there will be solutions

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Bryant Lam Hong Sheng
Bryant Lam Hong Sheng's answer
97 answers (Tutor Details)
As long as k <1, there will be no solution to the equation
3 years ago
Actually for no solution,

-1 < k < 0 or 0 < k < 1

i.e 0< |k|< 1

k < 1 only will include values like k = -2

when k = -2, sin x = -1/-2 = ½ , which has a solution
3 years ago
Strictly speaking, it is not possible for k to be 0 since that results in 1/sinx = 0, which does not make sense since a non-zero numerator will never give a result of 0
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Abiraami's answer
109 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope you understand. Which part seems confusing for you? Is it the range of values of sinX part or solving the inequality with k? Or anything else?