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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Hi!! Can someone please help me with implicit differentiation for these questions? I know it’s basic but i can’t even do the first one because i don’t know if i’m just supposed to multiply d/dx inside :( Thank u so much!!
dy/dx means differentiation of y with respect to x, whereby y is a function of x.
i.e y = f(x)
So d/dx (dy/dx) just means to differentiate this with respect to x again
d/dx (dy/dx) = d²y/dx²
This is the second derivative.
Alternative representation :
y = f(x)
dy/dx = d/dx ( f(x) ) or d(f(x))/dx= f'(x)
d/dx (dy/dx) = d/dx ( f'(x) ) or d(f'(x))/dx
= f''(x)
= d²y/dx²
It means differentiating with respect to x.
See 1 Answer
Is simply (dy/dx)²
Whereas d/dx (dy/dx) is an operation on the first derivative. This leads to the second derivative which is represented by d²y/dx² (also can be seen to be applying the operator twice on y itself).
Teachers should have made this clear in O level teaching.