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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths

How to do Qn 2 and 4b????

Qn 4b wants to find the value of p and k

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 867

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Muhd Ilman Fahmi
Muhd Ilman Fahmi's answer
42 answers (Tutor Details)
Equate both equations to get the solutions. Since its a tangent, it only has one solution.

With the quadratic equation you get:
0= x^2 - 2k^2x + k^4

You can either use perfect square to find the solution, or use b^2 - 4ac = 0.

If you use b^2 - 4ac =0, you get
4k^4 - 4(1)(4k^4) = 0.

Since this equation is true regardless of any value of k, k is from negative infinity to positive infinity

Hope it helps!

7 years ago
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Muhd Ilman Fahmi
Muhd Ilman Fahmi's answer
42 answers (Tutor Details)
Since the equation is less than 0 from 4 to k, the solutions of the equation are 4 and k. From there you can find the values of k and p by substituting the appropiate values. Hope it helps!