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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths

Can anyone help me, I have no idea how to draw the graph of this equation. Thank you.

Date Posted: 8 years ago
Views: 910

See 5 Answers

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lim hwee choo
Lim Hwee Choo's answer
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YuanJie Liu
Yuanjie Liu's answer
2 answers (Tutor Details)
when 2cosx-1=0
x = π/3 or 5π/3 (2π-π/3)

when x = (2k-1)π, it has the minimum value of 2x(-1)-1=-3
when x=2kπ, it has the maximum value of 2x1-1=1
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Desmond Leong
Desmond Leong 's answer
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Ardon Low
Ardon Low's answer
4 answers (A Helpful Person)
Instead of translating the graph, translate the axis in the opposite direction. This works because of the idea of relative motion. One advantage of this method is that you don't need to redraw the graph. You only need to draw a new axis.
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Jackson Tan
Jackson Tan's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
Draw cos graph with amplitude = 2 and then displace 1 unit downward.