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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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YH Tan
YH Tan

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 4 months ago
Views: 139
4 months ago
Webbing between the toes aids the bird in swimming and stirring up food.
The neck is long and sinuous. A flamingo has 19 elongated cervical (neck) vertebrae allowing for maximum movement and twisting.
Because flamingos have long legs, they can wade into much deeper water than most other birds. Webbed feet support them on soft mud.

When the water is beyond their wading depth, flamingos swim at the surface while feeding. Webbed feet allow the flamingo to swim quite readily.
Flamingos use their curved beaks to eat food. They scoop up their food with their beaks and they shake their head from side to side. This forces the mud from their beaks, leaving the shrimp to be swallowed. This adaptation helps it survive because the flamingo's beak helps them grab food and food keeps them healthy.

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Tayng's answer
1072 answers (A Helpful Person)
Webbing between the toes aids the bird in swimming and stirring up food.
The neck is long and sinuous. A flamingo has 19 elongated cervical (neck) vertebrae allowing for maximum movement and twisting.
Because flamingos have long legs, they can wade into much deeper water than most other birds. Webbed feet support them on soft mud.

When the water is beyond their wading depth, flamingos swim at the surface while feeding. Webbed feet allow the flamingo to swim quite readily.
Flamingos use their curved beaks to eat food. They scoop up their food with their beaks and they shake their head from side to side. This forces the mud from their beaks, leaving the shrimp to be swallowed. This adaptation helps it survive because the flamingo's beak helps them grab food and food keeps them healthy.

All found on the web
YH Tan
YH Tan
4 months ago
Thank you so much!
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Tayng's answer
1072 answers (A Helpful Person)
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