Matthew Soon's answer to Yos's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Matthew Soon
Matthew Soon's answer
94 answers (Tutor Details)
Here's a step by step in graphical translation:

1) standard sine graph (remember x is up to 4pi so you have 2 cycles)

2) x changes to x/2, means your number of cycles is halved.

3) negative sign outside sine function; invert the graph

4) multiplied by 3; amplitude increases to 3

5) add 1; moves graph up y-axis by 1 unit

Hope this helps with the rest of the questions for you.
Matthew Soon
Matthew Soon
3 years ago
Remember to label your graph when you sketch it as an answer; I didn't label here because I am demonstrating the changes (and my equations are listed on the left side). Cheers!