Zhe Xun's answer to Hanisah's Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Zhe Xun
Zhe Xun's answer
113 answers (Tutor Details)
Note: if you let L=5 and H+B= 7, it still gives the same ans
4 years ago
Not really.

If L = 5, then H = 5,B = 2 or H = 2, B = 5 for them to be prime.

Then Volume = 5cm x 5cm x 2cm = 50cm³

Total Surface area = 2 x (5cm x 5cm + 5cm x 2cm + 5cm x 2cm)
= 2 x 45cm²
= 90cm²
Zhe Xun
Zhe Xun
4 years ago
I overlooked that part, thanks for pointing out!
4 years ago
Glad to help