Woon Kiat's answer to Candice lim's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Woon Kiat
Woon Kiat's answer
325 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi, I hope this helps.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
4 years ago
Thanks Mr Woon Kiat. Yes, part b solution is good and I understand :)

But the model answer for part c is 1/sqrt2 q. Could you help to review it again and advise? Many thanks !
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Part c has a slight misspelling.
Woon Kiat
Woon Kiat
4 years ago
Yup. I think I made a mistake.
Since the vectors are parallel, their ratio would be
|BD| / |AE| = sqrt2 / 2
BD = (sqrt2 / 2) * AE
BD = (sqrt2 / 2) q
I believe Mr Eric gave a good explanation in his answer.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
4 years ago
Thank you for coming back to me Mr Woon Kiat. Really appreciated. I hope you have a good day ahead :)