Eric Nicholas K's answer to Candice lim's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good evening Candice! I just had some free time to look at this question. I also obtained 0 as my final answer.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
3 years ago
Good morning Mr Eric :)
Thank you so much for your assurance coz I have worked on this question for many times and still got 0 as my final answer too which is very different from the model answer given to me.

Yes, I strongly believe that you are correct! Like what Mr Tan has mentioned, sometimes model answer can be incorrect. I just don't have the confident to challenge it :(

Once again thank you very much for coming back to me, and I really appreciate your advice and valuable feedback as always.
I hope you have a good day ahead :D