meemaw's answer to Anonymous's Secondary 3 E Maths Singapore question.

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Meemaw's answer
34 answers (A Helpful Person)
4^x = 2^n
2^(2x) = 2^n
2x = n
n can be 2, 4 when x = 1 and x = 2 respectively
3 years ago
2x = n

x is an integer so it can be positive, negative or 0.

eg. When x = 0, n = 2(0) = 0

4^0 = 1 = 2^0

Eg. When x = -5, n = 2(-5) = -10

4^(-5) = 1/(4^5) = 1/1024 = 1/(2^10) = 2^(-10)

Many possibilities