AC Lim's answer to Lyn's Primary 5 Maths Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
12504 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
3 years ago
Thanks. But I'm rather confused.
How are we certain that drawing 2 vertical lines make the rectangles into 3 equal parts?
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
From the pictures, I divide it to 3 shaded parts, A,B and C.
Shaded part A = Unshaded part A
Shaded part B = Unshaded part B
Shaded part C = Unshaded part C.
Therefore, shaded part = unshaded part.
Meaning shaded part = ½ of total figure.
While unshaded part also another half of total figure.
3 years ago
Another way to think about it : (since you have learnt area of triangle in P5)

The two shaded triangles WCD and CXY both have a height of 3cm. Their combined base is 12cm

Area of the two triangles

= ½ x 3cm x base of WCD + ½ x 3cm x base of CXY

= ½ x 3cm x (combined base)
= ½ x 3cm x 12cm
= ½ x 36cm²
= 18cm²
3 years ago
We don't know what length WC and CX is.

Let's say WC = 9cm and CX = 3cm

Area of two triangles

= ½ x 3cm x 9cm + ½ x 3 x 3cm
= ½ x 3cm x (9cm + 3cm)
= ½ x 3cm x 12cm
= 18cm²

Now ½ x 3 = 3/2 or 1.5 or 1½

We can see it as adding 9 groups of 1½ to 3 groups of 1½, to get 12 groups of 1½.

The above is an hypothetical example to show the distributive law of mathematics.

So note that we cannot actually assume that WC = 9cm, CX = 3cm since we only know the sum is 12cm.

It could have been (8cm,4cm),(7cm,5cm) (8.88cm,3.12cm) among other combinations whereby ① sum of WC and CX is 12cm and ② WC is longer than CX (based on the diagram)

The answer would still be 18cm² as long as ① is fulfilled.

So generally :

WC + CX = 12cm

Area of these two triangles

= ½ x 3cm x WC + ½ x 3cm x CX
= ½ x 3 x (WC + CX)
= ½ x 3cm x 12cm
= 18cm²
3 years ago
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Now it makes sense.
3 years ago

To answer your updated question, the rectangle isn't necessarily divided into 3 smaller identical rectangles of equal area.

Because there is no length given that confirms this.

Rather, Mr AC Lim has divided it into 3 rectangles, and each of these rectangles has been divided into two equal parts.

We know that the diagonals of a rectangle or square always divides it equally into two.
3 years ago
So what we see is :

2 triangle A (one shaded, one unshaded,
both are identical except their colour. They have equal areas)

2 triangle B (same logic as above)
2 triangle C (same logic as above)

We can rearrange them into two groups :

①A B C (all shaded)
②A B C (all unshaded)

Now the shaded part is just made of shaded A, shaded B, shaded C.

Their total area is equal to unshaded A + unshaded B + unshaded C

Basically, out of the 2 groups of triangles only 1 group is shaded.

So that's ½ the area of the whole figure (The whole figure is a rectangle)

Therefore, area of shaded part
= ½ the area of rectangle
= ½ x 3cm x 12cm
= 18cm²
3 years ago
The division of a rectangle or square into two equal parts by drawing the diagonal, is the very basis/fundamental to explain why the area of triangle has a formula ½ x base x height.

It is most intuitive/obvious for right-angled triangles.

For non right-angle triangles (viewing obtuse triangles and acute triangles in some perspectives), there is some further explanation but the formula still holds.
3 years ago
Hi J,
Thanks for the extended explanation.
It was not an updated question.
Just now, my question disappeared. I just re-submit it in case others don't know why you are explaining.
3 years ago
Sorry and truly appreciated.
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
Wow ...Very well explained @J.
3 years ago
Oh no worries. Because I saw the first comment and it was different from earlier in the day.

Hope my explanation was of help and you have gained a better understanding of the question and concept.
3 years ago
Definitely! ; )