TIEW KAI JIE NICHOLAS's answer to Nurul Ayuni Raihanah's Primary 5 Maths Whole Numbers Singapore question.

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Tiew Kai Jie Nicholas's answer
107 answers (Tutor Details)
For every 5 adults, there will be 48 pupils.
There’s are 15 adults at the party.
First find out how many sets of 5 adults.
15/5 = 3
3 sets of 5 adults means there is 3 sets of 48 pupils.
(a) Total number of pupils = 48 x 3 = 144

The food cost $30 for one pupil.
Since there are 144 of them,
(b) Total cost of food = 144 x $30 = $4320
Nurul Ayuni Raihanah
Nurul Ayuni Raihanah
3 years ago
Thanks for the answer