Verkneess's answer to Snoopy's Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Verkneess's answer
7 answers (A Helpful Person)
504 = 2³+3²+7
Therefore p = 3+7² = 52

Why did I use 3+7²? It's because the question wants perfect CUBE, so you have to make sure that each of the prime factors are cube.

E.g. 504 = 2³+3²+7
From this, you can see that only the prime factor 2 is cubed, whereas 3² and 7 are NOT cubed. So the question to ask yourself is "how do I make sure that they are cube?" So you just need to add in another 3 to make sure that 3² becomes 3³ and add 7² so that the number 7 becomes 7³
4 years ago
Thank you, I understand your explanation :D
4 years ago
You're most welcome! I'm happy to help :)