Ignatius Yeo's answer to Pete's Junior College 2 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Ignatius Yeo
Ignatius Yeo's answer
36 answers (Tutor Details)
Hehe did this question out of fun:)
4 years ago
Thanks sir, same answer as me. But not sure why different from ans key...
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
What was the given answer like? Did it involve angles like "2x"?
4 years ago
Hi Eric, the answer in the ans key is 2 tan x - x + C
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
My guess is that the person who came up with the solutions rushed a little and wrote down

2 (tan x - x) + x + c

instead of

2 (tan x - x) + tan x + c.
4 years ago
Yup sounds like the case, thanks Eric!