A Philips's answer to Lutz's Primary 3 Maths Singapore question.

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A Philips
A Philips's answer
864 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
4 years ago
Thank you for your help, but i dont really understand the model drawing. U shaded 6 unit in the morning and 1 unit in the afternoon. Can help me to understand the model drawing. 3/5 and 1/4 how you get the unit total 10? Tq
4 years ago
I am still not sure how to change the fraction from 3/5 to 6units and 1/4 to 1 unit base on your model. Can help me. Tq
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
He sold 3/5 in the morning. So I shaded 3 units at first. You can observe from the darker line. Then he sold 1/4 of the remainder. Since the remainder as only 2 parts, you have to cut them into 4 parts to get the quarter. And you have to cut all the units as well. That’s why from 5units it becomes 10 units
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
Please look at my second model