AC Lim's answer to Ash's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13185 answers (A Helpful Person)
Convert all fraction to decimal for easy calculations. Hope this helps
4 years ago
AC, my mum solved this qn using Algebra.. although the ans is the same as urs, but is it correct?
I have add her ans, can u please advise.
Thank u
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
Sorry late reply, Singtel service interruption now.

Take note: typo (error) on my equation, it should be:
0.5u + 0.375 = 0.2u + 2.625

Both your mum and my method basically are same.
We know the number of children are equal (unchanged) = u
I am using total orange juice when all children take.
Therefore, total orange juice when each take 1/2 (or 0.5 L) = when each take 1/5 (or 0.2L).

Your mum using number of children take enough for 1/2 L. {child that take 1/8L not included}
Therefore, children take enough 1/2L - last child (1/8L) = same number of child take 1/5L + last child (1/5L) + left ( 2. 5/8L)
Hence, u = 9 compared to my u=10.
4 years ago
Ok.. i understand now.
Thank u so much for clearing my doubts.
Have a good night