Han Zhi Yuan's answer to Clara Chua's Primary 6 Maths Percentage Singapore question.

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Han Zhi Yuan
Han Zhi Yuan's answer
34 answers (A Helpful Person)
55% + 40% = 95%.
100% - 95% = 5%.
Therefore the remaining 20 free tickets given away is equal to 5% of the total number of tickets.
Number of tickets sold at full price = 20 * (55/5) = 220.
Number of tickets sold at half price = 20 * (40/5) = 160.
Let $x be the full price of the ticket. We have $220x + $(160x/2) = $7200.
=> $220x + $80x = $7200
=> $300x = $7200
=> x = 24.

Hence the answer is $24.