Tham KY's answer to Vernice Ong's Primary 4 Maths Singapore question.

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Tham KY
Tham Ky's answer
6052 answers (Tutor Details)
pls verify...
3 years ago
For the first one you are supposed to answer in normal numbers not in fraction
Tham KY
Tham KY
3 years ago
What normal number? It is in metres... Qn didn't say must be in cm...
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Potato, for the first one, you are actually supposed to leave your answer in fraction form. A whole number subtracted by a fraction will never get you a whole number.

I do not see anywhere in the photo that you have shown that we must leave answers in “numbers”.

Also, the length of ribbons can be in fractions. The number of pieces of ribbons must be a whole number, but the length of ribbons can be a fraction.

Note that leaving your answer in decimals is also a bad presentation considering that the question asked is in fraction form.

The tutor is correct. You can use the presentation provided by the tutor.