Eric Nicholas K's answer to MM's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
For this question, we need to determine how the number of painters on site, the number of days taken and the percentage of the building completed are related.

Logically speaking, as there are more painters on site, more work can be done at the same time, so to complete the same objective, less time is taken.

So, the number of painters is inversely proportional to the number of days needed (and vice versa). If there are twice as many painters, for example, the time taken will be halved.

As there are more painters on site, a greater proportion of the building can be completed if more time is given.

So, the number of painters is directly proportional to the percentage of the building completed (and vice versa). For example, with twice as many painters, twice as much work can be done and therefore twice the percentage of the building can be completed.

As more days are given, the same number of painters can complete a greater percentage of the building (obviously).

So, the number of days needed is directly proportional to the percentage of the building completed (and vice versa). For example, with twice as many number of days given, twice the percentage of building can be completed.

Here, we need to make such linkages to solve the problem step by step, by keeping one variable fixed and allowing the other two to move around.
4 years ago
Thank you sir