AC Lim's answer to Jess tham's Primary 6 Maths Fractions Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13026 answers (A Helpful Person)
1st find the length of strings. Hope this helps
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
Or you can find the common multiple of 90 and 120 = 360cm
Big balloons, 360 cm = 360/90 x2= 8
Small, 360cm = 360/120 x 5 =15
Difference in 360cm = 15-8=7 balloons
Therefore, 7 balloons—>360cm
105 balloons = 105/7 x360 = 5400cm
Total big balloons = 5400/90x2= 120
Total small bal. = 5400/120x5= 225
Total altogether =110+225=345 balloons.
Hope this helps