Debbie's answer to Yos's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Debbie's answer
6 answers (A Helpful Person)
This one was a bit tricky but after trying other methods this what i came up with.... see if it makes sense to u:)
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Nope. Your c must NOT contain any x or y. So this is not a good form.
4 years ago
Ok i never said my answer was perfect. You DONT HAVE to shoot it down like that. Fine. If u felt that my answer was so offensive to u why not u post yr own solution instead of just leaving comments like this.
A math god
A Math God
4 years ago
Hello chill he is just trying to help you. all of us make mistake. U need not react like this. He’s a tutor what are u pls reflect show some respect