Ethan Lie's answer to Sonia's Junior College 1 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Ethan Lie
Ethan Lie's answer
20 answers (Tutor Details)
Take a look at the rules written in red. Those dictate how to calculate the oxidation state of carbon in an organic compound.

In CH3CH2OH, the underlined Carbon is attached to O single bond and 2H single bond and a C single bond. Given that C bonded to C doesnt change ON, we can ignore it. Next the two H decreases the ON of C by 1 each, while O single bond increases it by 1. Hence -2 +1 = -1

For CH3CHO, the underlined Carbon is attached to C single bond, one O double bond and 1 H single bond. The H single bond decreases ON by 1 while the O double bond increases it by 2. Thus -1 +2 = +1