A math god's answer to Joel Su's Primary 6 Maths Measurement Singapore question.

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A math god
A Math God's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this could help
4 years ago

You got the isosceles triangle's base angles mixed up. Those are not the base angles.

BD = CD, not BC = BD


You've used the wrong pair of lines for the justification of the alternate angles.

Besides that the other pair of lines , (ADand BC), aren't parallel since the question did not specify and it cannot be deduced from the info also.
Joel Su
Joel Su
4 years ago
So this (b) is not solvable right?
4 years ago
You might have to assume ∠FDB is 90°. I've seen this question in some past year paper and the answer key took it to be 90° as well.
Joel Su
Joel Su
4 years ago
That’s way at the answer says. But that’s not correct to assume anything without proof.
4 years ago
My guess is that the setters omitted the right angle marking by mistake.

Turns out this question is from MGS 2019 SA1.

If you're doing this as a practice paper on your own, you may skip part b) , or contact the school for clarification.

If you're doing this as question given by your school then it's best to ask your teachers .