Xiu Hui's answer to Rin's Primary 6 Maths Measurement Singapore question.

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Xiu Hui
Xiu Hui's answer
4 answers (A Helpful Person)
r is half of a side of a square because anywhere from the middle of the circle to the end of the square is always r. So the side of a square is 2r (r + r). Therefore, the area is 2r x 2r = 4r^2. (4r square)
4 years ago
Thank you(◍•ᴗ•◍)
4 years ago
The phrasing is incorrect. The distance from the circle's centre is not the same to different points on the perimeter of the square.

It is longest to the corners and shortest when the line drawn is perpendicular
(90°) to the square's side.
Xiu Hui
Xiu Hui
4 years ago
I meant in the circle, the distance is always radius is always r. And you can see there is one point where the circle touches the side of the square.

Thanks for pointing out though. I probably was too eager to put it in a simple way.
4 years ago