Eric Nicholas K's answer to Irah Athirah's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good evening Irah! Here are my workings for Q9.
Irah Athirah
Irah Athirah
4 years ago
Hi Mr Eric, thanks for helping me with the other 2 qns. Even though I eventually find out how to do Q7 on my own, but I just double-checked my method with your solution.

For Q9 (iii), I asked my teacher about it too. But when he said use the original equation (that is ax^2 + 5x + a - 5) and just discriminate it, I was quite confused.
Because I did like what you did above (substitute y=x-2 into ax^2 + 5x + a - 5), I don’t know if what my teacher mentioned can also be one of the ways to solve this qn.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Good morning Irah! I’m pretty sure by discriminant he actually meant for you to simul the equations first. It is meaningless to do discriminant on that equation ax2 + 5x + a - 5 alone because the question wants us to find out the values of a for which the line y = x - 2, and not y = 0, is a tangent to the curve.