Eric Nicholas K's answer to Tarah toh's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good evening Tarah! Here are my workings for both questions 2 and 3. Do note that the topic on proofs in plane geometry (question 3 falls under this topic) is no longer tested in this year’s variant of A Maths exams in the O Levels. Nevertheless, I have provided my workings for question 3 just in case you wish to learn more beyond what is tested in the O Levels for this year.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
What I told my students for the graph of y^2 = kx for k > 0 is this.

1. Rotate the writing paper 90 degrees to the left, so the paper looks tilted to the right with respect to the original viewing direction.

2. Sketch the graph of “y = x^2”.

3. Draw the axes from that view, but the arrow head for the “horizontal” is to be put at the left instead.

4. Rotate back the paper to the original view and label the y and x accordingly.