Eric Nicholas K's answer to st's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
For part iv, rightfully for a parallelogram to be called AFBC, it has to go in the order A-F-B-C or A-C-B-F.

In my case 1, the parallelogram is called AFBC (or ACBF), as per what the question wants.

In my case 2, the parallelogram is called AFCB (or ABCF).

In my case 3, the parallelogram is called ABFC (or ACFB).

Regardless of the parallelogram chosen, cutting the parallelograms along one of its chosen diagonals will get us triangle ABC and the other congruent half.

So, the area of the parallelogram is definitely twice the area of triangle ABC.

Even without any coordinates given, just by looking at the lettering, we can already tell this property of parallelograms.