Lim En Jie's answer to Candice's Junior College 1 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie's answer
73 answers (Tutor Details)
Sorry for the wait. For these parametric questions and in some differentiation/integration by u-substitution questions, always rely back on the drawing of trig triangle. There’s no way you can get “exact coordinates” if you use sin-1(-3/5). Also recognise the actual value of θ and put that into the given domain. In this case, θ is -36° which makes both sinθ and tanθ negative while cosθ is always positive for the given domain. So from sinθ=-3/5 you can derive cosθ and tanθ which you can then substitute into Y&X.
Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie
4 years ago
I sub in the wrong value for the coordinate should be 5/cos θ not 5/sin θ but otherwise drawing of the trig triangle is still the main takeaway.
4 years ago
Ohh i see!! Thank you so so much! :D