AC Lim's answer to Hup Ming's Primary 5 Maths Rate & Ratio Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13088 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
Hup Ming
Hup Ming
4 years ago
Don’t quite understand the part which says Mandy 6 weeks = 12/18. Can you please explain it?
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
The job is 18u
In 6 week...
Moore complete 6u only. As Moore took 18 weeks to complete alone. Mean 6 weeks complete 6u, balance 12u completed by Mandy in 6 weeks.

12u —-> 6 weeks
18u = 18/12 x 6 = 9 weeks.
Hup Ming
Hup Ming
4 years ago
Thanks. It explains