Yong Jian Rong's answer to mint's Junior College 1 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Yong Jian Rong
Yong Jian Rong's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
For an ellipse, the idea is that the length and height must have different coefficients a and b, so that one side appears more stretched than the other.

Your question has 1x squared and 4 y squared, which means the shape is more stretched along x (see my drawing).

Hope this helps :)
4 years ago
hi thank you for your explanation ! :) however may i clarify, if i divide 25 on the LHS as well, wont both the length of x and y be 5? meaning radius both 5, issa circle?
Yong Jian Rong
Yong Jian Rong
4 years ago
As there is a coefficient 4 for y squared, dividing by 25 will give you 4/25.

Whereas coefficient of x squared is 1, dividing by 25 will give you 1/25.

The length and width will still be different, so it is an ellipse.