Arnold K H Tan's answer to Merlion's Secondary 1 Science Singapore question.

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Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan's answer
2163 answers (A Helpful Person)
4 years ago
Can you explain 6 a again?
Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan
4 years ago
You have to plan out the separation of X, Y and Z, based on differences in property.
1. It is easiest to separate X, a magnetic material, from Y and Z by using a magnet.
2. For Y and Z, only one is soluble in water, so these can be separated by using water as a solvent, followed by filtration through filter paper.

It is necessary to wash the residue using distilled water, because after filtration, the wet residue still contains some of the filtrate solution. Analogy: if you collect sand from the sea floor, the wet sand is still contaminated with salty sea water.

As the question required a dry sample, you will need to carry out crystallisation of the filtrate. You cannot heat until dry, because the boiling points are low and very close to water, so the salt will just boil away with the water.
4 years ago
How about Y?
4 years ago
Y can separated by evaporation?