Eric Nicholas K's answer to Tarah toh's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good afternoon Tarah! Here are my workings for this question.

You need to be able to identify, for the partial fractions, these

- whether the fraction is proper or not
- the form that the respective partial fractions should undertake

If the fraction is improper, you have to do long division. Otherwise, if the fraction is proper, as is this case, then there is no need to do long division.

For the integration part, be careful when integrating terms which are of the form 1 / linear and 1 / (linear)^n where n is not 1. The form 1 / linear integrates to some ln expression, but the 1 / (linear)^n for other values of n integrates the normal way of raising the power by 1 and dividing the expression by the new power.