Nisha's answer to Tricia Chew's Secondary 3 A Maths Singapore question.

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Nisha's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
hi i got 2 sets of p and q values so im not sure if this method is correct but hope it helps!
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Two sets of values are very common for such situations. Recall that when we simplify surds of the form (a + ./b)^2 and (a - ./b)^2, we get different signages for the surviving surd, but the sifnages are the same for the non-surd.

As such, two sets of answers, which obviously have to be symmetrical (as is the case in your workings), should be obtained.
4 years ago
Noted thank you!! I wasn't sure as the question didn't specify if there were to be multiple values.