Boy Mow Chau's answer to Priya's Secondary 3 A Maths Singapore question.

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Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau's answer
317 answers (Tutor Details)
thinking process … what do we need to do here...?

the flight path of the shells follow the curves of the 2 given equations.
as the shell goes up, y increases, and as the shell drops back down, y decreases.

for the 1st shell, when the shell hits the frigate, y = 0.
so we need to solve for x when y=0

for the 2nd shell, we also need to find x, when y=0.
if x equals distance of 2nd frigate, means shell will hit 2nd frigate
if x does not equal distance of 2nd frigate, means shell will not hit 2nd frigate.
4 years ago
Thanks a lot and thanks for the explanation.