Lexter Ng's answer to kim Yeon Jae's Junior College 1 H1 Maths Singapore question.

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Lexter Ng
Lexter Ng's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
kim Yeon Jae
Kim Yeon Jae
4 years ago
Hi thank you for your help! But i have a qn, how did you get 2 moles of electrons produce 2 moles of NaOH? Is it from the equation at the cathode?
Lexter Ng
Lexter Ng
4 years ago
Hi, you are most welcome. Yes it is from either of the 2 half equations. You can see 2e-
By adding both half equation together, you get the overall equation.
kim Yeon Jae
Kim Yeon Jae
4 years ago
I see thank you! :)