Truong Dong Hung's answer to JustHereForAnswers's Junior College 1 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Truong Dong Hung
Truong Dong Hung's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
4 years ago
For the equilibrium amounts. Why dont we divide by 2dm^3 to get concentration then substitute into Kc to get answer ?
4 years ago
Why is it not 1-a/2 and a for concentrations of N2o4 and no2 respectively
Truong Dong Hung
Truong Dong Hung
4 years ago
Oops, my bad!! Yes we should divide by 2 to get the concentration, this will result in the C to be the true answer (didn't see the 2dm3 volume part). So basically what you did is correct. However this question is pretty vague that unit of Kc is not defined, as one can decide the unit of volume, which will change the answer.
4 years ago
Thank you sm!