Boy Mow Chau's answer to Rachael's Primary 4 Maths Singapore question.

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Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau's answer
316 answers (Tutor Details)
Please note that answer posted by other individual earlier is not correct. You can check that this answer is correct by putting the answer back into the question, and verifying that all the conditions are satisfied.

Please also note important learning points which follows below ...
4 years ago
I have noted the correct answer thanks for correcting my mistake
Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau
4 years ago
Tayzar, it is good that you managed to improve from C to A before, and great that you are trying to help others now.

We all make mistakes at one time or another, including me.

It is always good to check if answer is correct by putting the answer back into the question and verifying that all the conditions are satisfied.

Do continue to help others … because one of the best way to learn / improve is to try to teach / help others.
4 years ago
Thanks for the correct answer.
4 years ago