Kee Pang's answer to Oliv's Primary 5 Maths Angles & Geometry Singapore question.

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Kee Pang
Kee Pang's answer
8 answers (A Helpful Person)
Let the point where line AB and line CD intersect be O
Since AB and CD are straight lines, angle AOC = angle BOD
Angle e = angle AOC = 30 degrees

Since AB is a straight line, angle AOB = 180 degrees
angle f = angle AOB - 50 - 90 - angle e
angle f = 180 - 50 - 90 - 30
angle f = 10 degrees
4 years ago
How to know that it is not angles and a point or adj angles??
Kee Pang
Kee Pang
4 years ago
Sorry I don't understand your question. Do you understand my working? To clarify further, in Mathematics there are more than 1 solution to solve a particular problem, some shorter than others, some easier to understand.
4 years ago
Because some questions also have angles at a point and some others have adj angles so how to know if it's one of them?
Kee Pang
Kee Pang
4 years ago
This is based on experience and practice, as stated there is no fixed way of solving a question, sometimes both methods can be used. There is no "perfect" or "right" method, as long as you arrive at the answer using a suitable method.