Gladdie's answer to Norain's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.

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Gladdie's answer
4 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope it helps
5 years ago
How to get 100u?
Any easier way?
5 years ago
It means,
To let 100u represent total Mr Fong salary.

Since 2/5 of Mr Fong salary was given to his Wife,
2/5 x 100u

Since 1/4 of Mr Fong salary was given to his Daughter,
1/4 x 100u

Remaining for himself in units = 100u - Wife’s units - Daughter units

Since it says that $2430 is the remaining amount,
we can say that the remaining units will represent(“equals”) $2430.

Then you can find how much is 100u which is Mr Fong salary.