Wong YX's answer to Zeenath's Primary 6 Maths Speed Singapore question.

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Wong YX
Wong Yx's answer
28 answers (A Helpful Person)
Your diagram is correct. What we need to find is the distance travelled by Michael from 8am to 8.30am (i.e. from “A” to “M”).

In this topic ‘Speed’, 3 common scenarios we see are:
(1) Two person travel towards each other and they meet
(2) Two person travel in the same direction and they meet
(3) Two person start from the same location and travel away from each other

For this question, it’s (2).

First, we must know that the distance apart (e.g. distance between Michael and William) will become shorter and shorter over time. When the distance apart is zero, they’ll meet.

If William travels 10 km/h faster than Michael, it means that the distance apart will be shortened by 10 km every hour.

Given that it took 3 hours for the distance apart to be reduced to zero, it means that the distance apart at 8.30am was:
10 km x 3 = 30 km

Since Michael could travel 30 km from 8am to 8.30am, his speed is:
30 min → 30 km
60 min → 60 km

Hence, the answer is 60 km/h.