Alden Tan's answer to Wesley's Secondary 3 E Maths Singapore question.

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Alden Tan
Alden Tan's answer
9 answers (Tutor Details)
Sine rule can also be used on the second part
4 years ago
why is AF cos 41? why 41
Alden Tan
Alden Tan
4 years ago
Look at the triangle TAF, we realise that AF is the adjecent and TA=56 is the hypotenuse. Thus we use cos41= AF/TA
Thus AF=TA(cos41)=56cos41

It is 41 because we have established in part a that angle TAF is 41 degrees which is equal to the angle of depression
4 years ago
why not cos 49
Alden Tan
Alden Tan
4 years ago
Is that to find (a)? If so then you can use it cos 49