Eric Nicholas K's answer to Hannah's Primary 6 Maths Measurement Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
4 years ago
hi but can you write it in form of equation
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
In equation form, it will look like this. Note that this is more suitable for secondary students. The other tutor has written the equation form which is more for Sec 2 students, which I will do so here by your request.

Let the number of $5 notes be 1 unit. Since there are 19 more pieces of $2 notes than $5 notes, the number of $2 notes must be 1 unit + 19.

Now, since there are 1 unit pieces of $5 notes, their total value is 5 units (just like if you have three pieces of $5 notes, its total value is 3 x 5 = $15)

Since there are (1 unit + 19) pieces of $2 notes, we can say thatcher their total value is 2 units plus a further $38.

$5 —> 5 units
$2 —> 2 units + $38

Since the value of the $5 notes is $130 more than that of the $2 notes,

5 units = 2 units + 38 + 130
3 units —> 168
1 unit —> 56

Value of $5 notes
= 5 units
= 5 x 56
= $280
4 years ago