Eric Nicholas K's answer to Kenny's Secondary 3 Physics Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
I presume you are taking Pure Physics rather than Combined Physics and have already or just recently learned the concepts of specific heat capacity of a substance and specific latent heat of a substance.

When we melt ice, we are supplying energy to change the state of the ice from solid ice into liquid water. In the process, there is no change in temperature - all the energy is supplied purely to weaken the relatively stronger intermolecular forces of attraction in ice into somewhat weaker intermolecular forces of attraction in water.

The parameter for the change of state without any change in temperature is what we call the specific latent heat. Specific latent heat of fusion involves the solid and liquid states while specific latent heat of vaporisation involves the liquid and gaseous states. Both are measured in joules per gram, which simply represents the amount of energy required to convert one gram of a particular substance into another form. Here, this refers to the melting of the ice.

This energy supplied comes from the heater, assuming no other sources of heat are present.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
You will need the value of this specific latent heat of fusion of ice to solve this question. This should actually be given to you as an additional data in the question. I obtained a more accurate value of this from the internet.